Everyone has something to defend, and something to protect.
Starring Jennifer Connelly, Ben Kingsley House of Sand and Fog is phenomenal movie, that asks viewers to feel what the characters feel and let the emotions wash over you.
The film tears apart then piece back together the remnants of the mess. But before anything can settle, it rips off the scab leaving an unattended and exposed wound.
Jennifer Connelly gives a sublime performance balancing despair, fear, hopelessness and strength in her portrayal of Kathy. Ben Kingsley is equally fantastic in his Oscar nominated role. His portrays his character's emotions subtly, never having one emotion overtake another. You can see it in his eyes, the pride, strength and beliefs that burdens him...yet never once does he openly allow the feelings to pour through.
I haven't had a movie stir such a strong emotion in me. The hardest part of watching this film is the constant desire to reject the all the different emotions that fill this film. House of Sand and Fog asks you to reach deep inside your heart and feel...and that's what you should do--feel