Great use of flashbacks, music and mystery...but wasn't greatly appealing.
Interesting idea, but could have been done so much better. By going back and forth between a previous life and the present life, Dead Again is about how Grace and Mike tries to solve a murder that happened in the past but as the mystery unravels, they become entangled in the mess.
The acting is mediocre, but believable. This is the first time I have ever seen a performance by Kenneth Branagh, it wasn't the best performance but it was suffice for the movie.
The use of music in Dead Again is quite well handled. In one scene the downstairs neighbour of Mike is practicing piano scales. Grace and Mike during this practicing of the scales got into a struggle. The scales started off as diegetic music but as the struggle scene began we realize that the music became non-diegetic as it was setting the mood for the scene. The piano scales reflected Mike's emotions from slow-and-understanding to fast-and-furious. Well use of music.
The sequence I am talking about starting at 5:30min:
The film goes through phrases of boringly slow to intriguingly action packed. If you like mystery/romance/flashbacks/use of music...and enjoy a slower film (with bits of action-packed sequences) but full of mystery then definitely check this film out.
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