Entertaining and unique in its own way.
Finally went to watch the long anticipated film Salt today. Salt is not spectacular, unlike Inception, but it kept me glued to the screen from beginning to the end.
Car crashes, gun shootouts, hands on fight scenes along with a slight atmosphere of mystery makes Salt a decent Friday night action flick.
The twists in the movie aren't shocking or sudden, coming at you in a very mellow way. The storyline is not complex but is well equipped drawing from historical events and spinning off from there.
Wanted, Mr. and Ms Smith, Tomb Raider...now Salt. Angelina Jolie once again kicks butts on the big screen and again does it in a very cool fashion. I was quite drawn to the character Salt because of the mystery her character carries. Biggest difference between Salt and Jolie's other action film is a) the not-as-awesome costume in Salt and b) Jolie's unavoidable run ins with handcuffs.
---------warning spoilers follow--------------
The action in this film is quite unique. Aside from the hands out tactic of taking out people, there is this one scene where Salt (Jolie's character) uses her handcuffs (that are behind her) to choke a man using her weight from the landing on top of a flight of stairs. This is my favourite action sequence in this film, as I haven't seen this technique used before.
The ending felt a little thin, but I guess it's a decent approach seeing the way the storyline is set up. There's no great way to end a film like this...thus I guess the decision was made to leave room for a sequel?
I recommend Salt to anyone looking for an entertaining and NOT cheesy action filled movie. Salt has just the right amount of awesome, gore and subtle sarcasm. If you liked Mr. Ms Smith and Wanted...then give Salt a shot.
haha handcuffs, hawt.