A classic; perfect mix of horror, romance and stays true to vampires
Let the Right One In is about Oscar, an overlooked and bullied boy, finds love and revenge through Eli, a beautiful but peculiar girl who turns out to be a vampire. (imdb)
Let the Right One In is a fantastic horror film with vampires. During the current vampire fad, every time a vampire movie is mentioned, it is automatically compared to Twilight. Let the Right One is a classic and SHOULD NOT BE COMPARED to Twilight. Let the Right One embraces the horror of vampires, tight focus on forbidden love and stays true to the myth of vampires.
Let the Right One does not rely on the use computer generated effects to create the horror elements. The film is able to capture the atmosphere of fear and horror despite the low budget. Using sound effects, sights of gore and the audience's imagination, Let the Right One succeeds in becoming one of the best vampire horror/romance I have seen in a long time.
The entire movie is desaturated and has a gray overtone, however it is noticeable that the colour red is deeply saturated and brighten to stand out in the gray overtone. This slight colour re-touch has made the gory scenes very frightening. However, the film is not over done with gore scenes, but rather uses the element of silence and sounds to create the fear.
One of the best elements in Let the Right One is the fact that the film steers away from the typical "Hollywood film appeal". It avoids too much CGI, and over use of unnecessary action scenes. The film portrays vampires not to be the perfect, fit and attractive creatures that is of the current belief. The film stays true to vampire myths such as: burns in sunlight and needs to be invited in.
I highly recommend to those who enjoys Underworld and Interview with a Vampire. Let the Right One mixes subtle gore with an in-depth storyline resulting in a sensational and mature film about a vampire and a human.
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