Dark, thrilling and plain awesome
Ever since the 7th book came out in 2007, I've been waiting for the film and it did not disappoint.
Although the movie didn't completely follow true to the book, for example the film did not use the invisibility cloak once, but nevertheless it did not fail to entertain. This is by far one of my favourite movies of the series. The graphics, effects and acting made this film one of the best and one of the darkest.
The acting are spot on! Emma Watson, especially, had a very strong performance capturing Hermione wonderfully. She propelled the story forward with her acting and made the torture scene very realistic. Bill Nighy did a chilling performance as Rufus Scrimgeour. Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint were also stunning. Helena Boham Carter, in almost every one of her roles, is very creepy...so with Bellatrix,
The film's greatest achievement is the animated sequence detailing the "Tale of the Three Brothers". Using only animation of silhouettes to tell the story with Hermione's voice as the narration was bold move and worked magnificently.
Death eaters and Voldermort are portrayed fairly different from previous movies. There are a lot more interaction between them, allowing them to appeal very human.
The special effects, sceneries and cinematography made this an unforgettable movie. tThe special effects used on the 7 morphing Harry Potter is scarily awesome. As most of the film, for the first time, takes place outside of Hogwarts it permitted the use of stunning sceneries and landscapes.
The movie, we all know, will end at a cliffhanger and it concluded whetting your appetite for the final segment.
Growing up with the books and the movie series, I'm saddened that this is the second last movie of series. Saying goodbye to the series is going to be hard. July 2011 is going to be exciting and very emotional---feels like the end of an era.

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